Ukraines biggest traitor killed in assassination on reckless Putins doorstep

A former Ukrainian MP has reportedly been killed in Russia by Ukraine’s SBU security service. Illya Kyva had previously been sentenced to 14 years in prison for high treason and publicly advocating for Ukraine’s occupation.

He was convicted in absentia after fleeing Ukraine. According to multiple Ukrainian media reports, the SBU was also responsible for the assassination of the 46-year-old former lawmaker.

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Ukraine’s military intelligence spokesman Andriy Yusov said: “We can confirm that [Ilya] Kyva is the real deal, this is the fate that befalls the biggest traitors of Ukraine, as well as the henchmen of the Putin regime. He was one of the biggest and most disgusting scum, a traitor and collaborator.

“So here we can only state that justice….has different forms… Among others, characters like Kyva…unfortunately, there are still plenty in Russia.”

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