Terror group al-Qaeda ‘still planning’ and world is ‘walking into another 9/11’

Terror group al-Qaeda is “still planning” and could cause another 9/11, an expert has claimed.

Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the terror attack that shocked the world when the the group hijacked and crashed passenger jets into both the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, New York City, and the Pentagon.

The fourth target, in Washington DC, was not hit due to a passenger revolt, with everyone on board the jet dying.

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A total of 2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 others injured after the attacks on that morning, with footage of the attacks being viewed around the world.

Khalid Noor, one of the founding members of the National Resistance Council – the leading opposition movement in Afghanistan and an umbrella grouping of mostly exiled Afghan political figures, party heads, provincial governors and parliamentarians who oppose the Taliban rule – has claimed that another 9/11 event could happened and that the world is “sleep walking” into it.

He said: “While the Taliban was ousted in the months after 9/11, the group’s return to power twenty years later in 2021 is the source of acute worry for all fair-minded Afghans watching with concern as terror groups emerge from the shadows with Taliban support.

“Our sources confirm the recent United Nations report that found al-Qaeda is recruiting, training and planning in Afghanistan today, along with 21 other groups with agendas violently opposed to the governments of Pakistan, Uzbekistan and other neighbours.

“For Afghans like us who lived through the late 1990s and the first Taliban regime, today has all the same hallmarks of terror storm clouds gathering.

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“The international community must not sleepwalk into another 9/11. It must recognise these hallmarks and take appropriate action.”

Despite the Taliban being in charge, and vowing to end all links to terror groups in the country, it has been claimed by the NRC that the group is very much alive an in operation in the country.

Mr Noor added: “In the peace talks between the United States and the Taliban in 2019 and 2020, the “Taliban side repeatedly agreed to end all linkages with recognised terror groups.

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“This promise was one of many made in writing when the eventual peace treaty was signed in February 2020, the deal that paved the way for the withdrawal of US troops.

“All these promises were broken by the Taliban after the US withdrawal took place, and Taliban forces replaced the Republic of Afghanistan in Aug 2021 with the so-called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”

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