EU infighting erupts as Italy shares ‘astonishment’ at Germany over migrants

An Italian MEP hit out at Germany as tensions over migrants in the European Union continue to rise.

Susanna Ceccardi, a member of the right-wing Lega party first elected in the EU parliament in 2019, criticised Berlin’s decision to finance migrant charity groups operating in the Mediterranean.

Her disagreement comes as Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sent a pointed letter to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in which she expressed her “astonishment” at this same issue.

The private letter, dated September 23 but made public on September 25, refers to an announcement made last week by the German foreign ministry regarding implementing a parliamentary financial support programme for both civilian sea rescue and projects on land. The ministry also stated two applications had already been accepted, including that of SOS Humanity focused on rescuing migrants in people smugglers’ boats at sea.

In a note sent to, Ms Ceccardi wrote: “If Germany wants to finance NGOs, it should send their ships to the port of Hamburg instead of Italy.

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“It is too easy and hypocritical for the Germans and for the EU in general to ‘be good at home’. Financing non-governmental organisations to rescue migrants and bring them to our country, and then declare that they do not intend to welcome our asylum seekers in Germany or other European states is intolerable and, even more serious, represents an incredible interference and a potential danger to our safety.”

Ms Ceccardi referred to the German government’s decision shared in mid-September to suspend a voluntary agreement with Italy to take in migrants after accusing Rome of failing to honour the EU’s Dublin asylum rules, which state the asylum claims of people reaching the EU should be assessed in the first country of arrival.

Speaking about the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), she added: “On this scandal, as a member of the Libe Commission in the European Parliament, I will present a question to the European Commission: it is necessary to provide absolute clarity on the issue, also because there are other states that play the same game as Berlin.”

Germany took advantage over the years of the EU funds given to Turkey to curb the number of migrants reaching its borders through the Balkan route, the politician added. 

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She also mentioned the agreement between Tunisia and Brussels aimed at stopping the departures of migrants from the African coast, which despite being reached in July hasn’t yet been enforced as Brussels hasn’t yet dished out to Tunis the 110million (€127m) agreed as a first payment.

Ms Ceccardi added: “If those limited resources had been disbursed promptly, we would have immediately stopped the human traffickers who instead raged in the Mediterranean this summer, unleashing hell in Lampedusa, putting Italian municipalities in trouble for the reception and heavily overburdening law enforcement.

“And yet once again Europe has left us alone. At least they left us alone with our sovereignty, instead of threatening us and lecturing us.”

Ms Meloni’s right-wing government made curbing the number of migrants reaching Italy’s shores one of its main goals, but the number of arrivals has doubled when comparing the first nine months of 2023 with the same period in 2022.

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Between January 1 and September 13, a total of 123,863 people reached Italy. On September 12 alone, more than 5,000 migrants arrived on the southernmost island of Italy, Lampedusa.

While it is debated between experts and charities how big of an impact the presence of NGO ships rescuing migrants on precarious dinghies may have on increasing the number of arrivals, in her letter Ms Meloni told Ms Scholz: “I have learned with astonishment that your administration – without coordinating with the Italian government – has allegedly decided to support with substantial funds non-governmental organisations engaged in the reception of irregular migrants on Italian territory and in rescues in the Mediterranean Sea.”

The Italian Prime Minister recently approved new measures to lengthen the time migrants can be detained and to raise the number of detention centres on the peninsula, in a bid to deter migrants from undertaking the dangerous trip across the Mediterranean Sea.

Ms Meloni added: “I believe that the efforts, including financial, of EU nations interested in providing concrete support to Italy should rather focus on building structural solutions to the migration phenomenon.”

Rome isn’t currently at loggerheads only with Germany, as Emmanuel Macron’s government last week increased its border security to prevent illegal migrants from entering its country through the Ventimiglia area, which links France and Italy by land.

While Paris expressed solidarity with Italy after Lampedusa was engulfed with arrivals, Mr Macron said his country will only welcome migrants who have obtained refugee status.

Last week, Switzerland also sent more personnel to patrol its border with Italy and rejected Brussels’ request to accept a share of the migrants who have recently reached Lampedusa. The small nation also expects an influx of migrants from the Balkan route.

The Federal Office of Customs and Border Security said: “Due to the current situation, it was decided to strengthen southern customs with additional employees from German-speaking Switzerland.”

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