Desperate Putin puts head of International Criminal Court on wanted list

Vladimir Putin has ordered that Russia place the head of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the country’s most wanted list.

The ICC is already seeking the arrest of Putin on war crime charges for the Russian military’s actions in Ukraine.

The ICC President Piotr Hofmanski has now been issued an arrest warrant by the Kremlin though the charges levelled against him have yet to be made public by the Russian government.

A Russian Interior Ministry memo simply noted: “Hofmanski Piotr Jozef, Polish. Wanted under an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.”

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The ICC has issued an arrest order for Vladimir Putin. This warrant was linked to claims of war crimes, notably the deportation of several Ukrainian children to Russia without their consent.

When the ICC issued the arrest warrants in March, the court stated that there were sufficient grounds to assume that Putin was personally responsible for the kidnapping of Ukrainian children.

The charges included direct participation, coordination with others and failure to supervise civilian and military subordinates who carried out these operations.

Following this development, the ICC was forced to publicly express its worries after former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev threatened to launch hypersonic missiles at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

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Meanwhile, independent U.N.-backed human rights investigators said on Monday (September 25) that they have found new evidence of Russian forces committing war crimes against Ukraine.

These included torture, some of it with such “brutality” that it resulted in death, and the rape of women as old as 83.

Members of the United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine voiced alarm about charges of genocide by Russian forces and stated that they are investigating them.

According to the team, both sides committed crimes, but Russian soldiers committed far more — and a wider range of atrocities — than the Ukrainian military.

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The commission emphasised unlawful acts utilising explosive weapons and sexual violence during an update to the Human Rights Council. These revelations emerge as the conflict reaches its twentieth month.

Erik Mose, chair of the Commission, expressed his concern over the persistence of evidence of war crimes committed by Russian armed forces in Ukraine throughout its initial mandate.

The Human Rights Council constituted this investigating committee in March of the previous year, just days after Russian soldiers invaded, and the panel is now acting under a second mandate.

The main victims of torture were individuals who were suspected of providing information to Ukrainian forces, and with the use of electric shocks common, the investigation revealed.

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