David Lammy desperately avoids using the ‘B-word’ as he outlines EU ‘sellout’

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David Lammy was accused of charting a path back to rejoining the EU if Labour wins power despite desperately avoiding using the word “Brexit” in his keynote speech to the party’s conference in Liverpool.

The Shadow Foreign Secretary, who desperately campaigned to reverse Brexit, was the biggest draw at the party conference which has been dominated by Rejoiner pro-EU events.

His speech came just 24 hours after he suggested that the UK and EU could eventually get married again if they “start dating”.

He also proposed joining an EU army – known as “a security pact”.

In his speech, there were no mentions of the word Brexit but 11 mentions of Europe or the EU.

READ MORE: David Lammy has revealed Labour’s anti-Brexit plot to drag UK into an ‘EU Army’

In a rabble rousing speech he appeared to chart a path back for rejoining even though he and Sir Keir Starmer have insisted they will not reverse Brexit.

He said: “When they [the Conservatives] say we can’t work closely with our friends in Europe anymore, what will we do? Stand up. Because Labour values do not stop at the English Channel.”

He went on: “Earlier this year the Conservative Party Press Office attacked me for saying that improving our relationship with the European Union will be a priority.

“Conference, I’m happy to repeat it. If you have forgotten that Britain’s trade with Europe is a priority for our economy, you need to wake up.

“If you’ve forgotten Britain’s alliances in Europe are a priority for our security, you need to wake up.

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“If you’ve forgotten we need to work with Europe to tackle organised crime, you need to wake up.

“If you’ve forgotten UK universities depend on links with Europe, you need to wake up.

“If you’ve forgotten the French President is our friend not our foe, you need to wake up.

“With Labour there will be no return to the Single Market or the Customs Union. But Keir Starmer is committed to improving our relations with the EU.

“Delivering Britain a much better deal and seeking a new security pact to keep our country safe.”

The speech has been lampooned by Brexiteer Conservative MPs who believe it shows Labour’s true rejoiner intentions.

Former Brexit minister David Jones said: “David Lammy is a fervent Remainer and his refusal to address Brexit – even to use the word – gives reasonable grounds to believe that Labour would sell Britain out to the EU at the earliest opportunity.”

Lee Anderson added: “Make no mistake on the first day of a Labour government the UK will be up for sale. With the EU lined up for the first viewing.”

Dudley North MP Marco Longhi said: “We now know how Labour will sell out Britain and rejoin the EU through the backdoor.”

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