UK’s ‘grimmest street’ with huge rats everywhere and fly-tipping piled 7ft high

The UK's "grimmest street" has mountains of fly-tipped rubbish that has attracted hordes of home-invading monster rats.

Residents of Nineveh Road in Handsworth, Birmingham, say the stinking piles of rubbish have blighted them for years and now measure 7ft high.

Fridges, freezers, mattresses, sofas, a moped and even human waste can be found there, with the situation so bad that parents refuse to let their kids play out.

READ MORE: Rat-infested UK estate where 'vermin hurdle fences' and 'crap in your sheds'

Dad-of-one Tobias Brown, 39, said: "It's so rank and it's got really embarrassing to live around her in all honesty.

"My mates take the mickey and say I live on the grimmest street in the country and I don't have much of a comeback as it's probably true."

People have criticised Birmingham City Council for not clearing the waste that has been dumped on the alleyway running between Nineveh Road and Bacchus Road.

Modupe Adejumo, 59, said: "It's so bad, there's a lot of rats around.

"The council or whoever are in charge should clear it and make it useful for residents.

"Our landlord has called on Birmingham Council to act – the street is just a mess, people just drop rubbish everywhere

"That alleyway is supposed to be a fire exit and we can't make use of the garden because we can smell it from outside."

Local landlord Kulvinder Raindi, 63, said his late brother lived there with his wife. He described it as an "absolutely disgusting" situation that has "just got progressively worse".

"It stretches all the way around and there's every type of rubbish you could think of there – it's very dangerous and a breeding ground for vermin," he said.

"We've asked many times for this to be cleared up but they say it is private land.

"This has been here for so many years and all the council has to do is remove it and bill the owner. They should have CCTV here to find out who's actually dumping this."

Mr Raindi claimed "loads of people" previously signed a petition "but nothing is being done".

He added: "I house tenants next to it and they complain about rats. We just want it cleared up.

"The council does have a duty to help because it's a huge health and safety hazard."

Birmingham City Council's environmental chief, Councillor Majid Mahmood, said: "Private alleyways are the responsibility of the owners and residents to keep tidy.

"Fly-tipping harms where we all have to live and work and is carried out by environmental criminals that have no regard for our neighbourhoods or their well-being.

"We have plenty of lawful options for people to responsibly dispose of waste or unwanted items.

"There are Household Recycling Centres around the city and for those who struggle to get to them we have our popular free-to-use Mobile Household Recycling Centres.

"We will always prosecute fly-tippers when we can but we need reports and evidence and the most effective way to do this is to contact our Waste Enforcement Team directly.

"Anyone with any information on any dumped waste in Birmingham should give details via

"Residents can also get in touch with our Love Your Streets teams to arrange a community clean up where we will assist with clearing private alleyways provided there is some support from residents."

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