Teacher and partner branded monsters over drug-fuelled child abuse crimes

A primary school teacher and her partner have been jailed for a string of booze and drug-fuelled child sex abuse crimes.

Zoe Williams and Thomas Surtees were branded "monsters" as they were sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court, reports ChronicleLive.

Their sickening crimes came to light when Surtees was arrested for unrelated offences, with a number of teenagers complaining he had sexually assaulted them. A check of his phone revealed he and Williams had engaged in horrifying behaviour, while fuelled by drink and drugs.

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Further disturbing content was found on Williams' phone including a video of Surtees abusing a child, which the court heard was recorded by Williams. Other videos showed Williams abusing the child.

On one occasion Williams had been sent a still sexual image of Surtees and the child. Williams responded saying he should have carried out even more serious abuse.

In an impact statement, the victim's mother said she initially thought the allegations couldn't be true as Williams was a primary school teacher. She added: "I thought not in a million years this could be happening.

"I've had to listen to the details of what those two monsters have done. It makes me feel sick to the stomach.

"I can't get my head around it all. It's one big nightmare, like something you hear on the news but never dream you will be involved in." She branded the abuse "disgusting" and said she worries how it will affect the victim in years to come.

Indecent images of other children were also found on Surtees' phone. They included one of a toddler.

Surtees, 37, of Wallsend, admitted ten sexual assaults, engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, sexual communication with a child, three offences of making indecent images of a child and one of taking an indecent image of a child.

Williams, 30, of Northumberland, admitted two sexual assaults of a child under 13, engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child and three counts of making indecent images of children.

Surtees was jailed for 15 years with an extended licence period of a further five years while Williams got 10 years with an extended licence period of a further five years. They will each have to sign the sex offenders register for life and be subject to lifelong sexual harm prevention orders.

Judge Julie Clemitson said: "While you, Miss Williams, may have been drawn into this by Mr Surtees, with whom you were besotted, it's clear you embraced it wholeheartedly and even encouraged him.

"You didn't just turn a blind eye to the abuse, you physically joined in and abused her too and created images of that abuse. It's clear you, Miss Williams, knowing what you knew about Mr Surtees and wanting to continue your relationship with him, you did whatever you thought it would take."

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