Sex therapist kicked out of home crammed with animals now lives in car with dogs

A sex therapist who was kicked out of her animal-filled home is now living in a Range Rover with three dogs.

Lady Patricia Ramshaw, 54, lost a legal fight with her landlords over a rental agreement on the Old House property in Ranworth, Norfolk. She has spent over three months living in a car with her pets.

The 15-weeks Patricia has spent in her luxury SUV comes as a dispute over animal retention at the Grade II listed home was flagged. The sex therapist had kept a number of animals but breached permissions in her contract.

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With permission for two dogs to live at the property with her, Patricia is said to have broken the agreement by bringing in a third dog, two horses, eight ducks and 20 sheep and a pig.

Her collection of pets, rivalled only by comedy character Ace Ventura, led to alleged damages of up to £3,500 on the gardens of the home. The local Cator family claim Lady Pea's animals dealt the damage, something Patricia denies.

Four months on from the eviction and Lady Pea has won a civil case against her landlords, Jane Cator and her son, Sam. Ms Cator, a Deputy Lieutenant of Norfolk and her son were said to have wrongly evicted the animal lover.

Patricia will now be awarded £80,000 in a case she's been fighting from the back of her car. Mr Cator was told he must pay the full amount, the Daily Mail reported but his lawyers said he has not been made aware of the claim from Lady Pea so had not had a chance to contest it.

Speaking of her victory, Lady Pea said: "The house was simply not fit for rental. The Cators tried to destroy me by placing all the blame on me but I've had incredible support from family and friends.

"I've had groups of women who are inspired by my stand and say don't stop. I don't want sympathy from anyone and I'm certainly not mad. It is my decision to lead this life. The car has been my home for 15 weeks now but I can't find anywhere to stay because of my dogs and they come first."

Patricia says she would park up near petrol stations and well-lit areas so she could "shower, wash and use the toilets". Her pals chipped in to help with the washing, while Norfolk police "keep an eye" on her.

Although Lady Pea worries "about getting attacked", she has managed to rehome most of her animals. A tribunal over the property ruled in favour of the Cator group, but Judge Stephen Evans criticised both sides, saying it provided a "salutary lesson" in tenancy agreements between landlords and occupiers.

Lawyers for Mr Cator told MailOnline: "Our client is aware of the order. We are concerned about the validity of service of Ms Ramshaw's claim as it appears that our client was not provided with (and therefore could not respond to) the particulars of claim.

"Accordingly our client is going to apply to have the order set aside, and is confident that this application will succeed."

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