Scarbados dubbed horrible with many murders people are told to just leave

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    A British town has been slammed by the folk who live there with one even telling visitors to “just leave”.

    Scarborough was dubbed “Scarbados” and the “Nice of the North” by YouTuber Wendall who described it as a “once grand seaside town”. Speaking to him about making a video in Scarborough, one person on the street said: “I wouldn’t bother. Just leave. It’s not f*****g worth it.”

    The North Sea Coast town in North Yorkshire was once a lavish and desirable place but is thought by some of have faded somewhat in recent decades. “Life in Scarborough in 2023 is pretty damn nasty,” one woman on the street said. “Horrible. They’re judgemental, they’re horrible, they’re t****, they’re c****.”

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    She added: “There’s so many murders, violence, abuse that goes on it’s unreal… for God’s sake do not live here… The worst thing I did was move to this town and now I want back out of it.”

    Another bloke explained that living there was, “a bit s***,” while another woman said it was “boring”. The town is the resting place of Jimmy Saville and home to a former residence of the monster.

    Despite the stick, others were more fond of the place, with one man Wendall spoke to pointing to the town’s beauty spots “like the castle,” and noted that parts of the town centre had been “revamped”.

    This was echoed by Wendall who said: “Quite a few people commented on [his YouTube] channel ‘go to Scarborough, it’s an absolute mess up there the town has all sorts of problems.’ For sure we’ve encountered some problems, some of the issues that to be honest we encounter everywhere we go around the UK but it’s not as bad as some of the places I’ve been to on the south coast, on the southwest.

    “We went to the supposed roughest neighbourhood in Scarborough and it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as the rough areas of where I’m from in the Midlands.”

    Reckon you know the UK's weirdest town or worst boozer? If you do and think the Daily Star's reporters should visit for a story, email [email protected]

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