Pregnant dog owner fights off eagle trying to carry away her pet pooch

A heavily pregnant woman fought off an eagle after the giant bird of prey swooped down to carry her pooch off into the outer realms of Essex.

Mum-to-be Marika Smith, from Shoeburyness was out walking her dog Tiny when the attack happened.

According to the then 36-year-old, she was forced to kick away the huge bird, not once, but twice, after it flew down to grab hold of her small Jack Russell-Pug cross.

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Marika, who was 20 weeks pregnant at the time, managed to fend off the "enormous bird" which returned for a second go at her dog.

Marika said: โ€œI was just walking Tiny when she got attacked by the biggest bird I've seen in my life, I'm 99% sure it was an eagle.

"It got hold of her and I had to kick it in the chest so many times for it to let go with her and then it attacked again!

"It landed on my dog and she was screaming and crying.

"I was trying to get it off my dog and it took a few seconds, but those seconds felt like a lifetime.

"It was much bigger than me and my dog."

Luckily for Marika, a woman who had been driving by stepped in to help her fight off the eagle, when it returned for a second go at the poor dog,

Marika continued: "The bird then came back and attacked my dog again.

"I tried to kick it away and my dog was covered in blood.

The woman who stopped also said it looked like an eagle.

"It has a blue ring around one of its legs, and a big beak, claws and its wings were bigger than me.

"I am 20 weeks pregnant and it wasn't very nice what happened."

Tiny was left shaken after the traumatic incident and left with cuts to her eyes that were treated by the local vet.

Marika said that her beloved pet was "fine now" but "was very distressed" and had slept for most of the day.

In a Facebook post Marika thanked the people who came to her and tiny's rescue.

She wrote: "Thank you so much to the lovely couple that stopped in their car and took me straight to the vets."

Tiny's not the first dog to be mistaken for lunch.

Gizmo, a four-year-old chihuahua was taken by a seagull in Devon, reports Daily Star. The search had been called off before the dog had been found due to social media trolls.

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