Pregnant adult stars supermarket raid at Aldi and Tesco with empty pram

A heavily pregnant adult star has been spared prison despite being caught shoplifting from Aldi and Tesco using an empty pram.

And she did it to fund a cocaine addiction.

Roma Lawson, 34, was also spotted swiping a £2,500 diamond ring from a jewellery store after switching it with a £30 fake.

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The shoplifting binge took place across five weeks, and now she has been given one final chance to get off drugs and clean up her act.

She was actually arrested on suspicion of drug-driving, but Canterbury Crown Court heard earlier this month how Lawson targeted various stores in April, when she swiped items from Aldi’s chiller aisle.

Days later she raided Sainsbury’s, stuffing bottles of gin and whiskey into her handbag without paying, before returning to the store a week later.

Lawson, of Herne Bay, Kent, who works under the name Romana Ryder, bundled a further six bottles of vodka into an empty pram, and used the same method to steal from a Tesco store.

Ben Wild, prosecuting, said: “On some occasions she used an empty pram, sometimes she used a bag for life.

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“Sometimes she appears to have been working with other people to carry out the offences.”

But things took a turn for the worse when, on May 27, she entered Claybrooks Jewellers in Herne Bay and asked to see a diamond-encrusted band she had pawned months earlier.

She then switched the 14-carat ring valued at £2,500 for one worth just £30 before leaving the shop, and did so while subject to an eight-month suspended prison sentence.

She was handed the term at the same court in January after biting a police officer while high on cocaine in Margate, before escaping by running off half-naked.

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Despite all of that, Recorder Edmund Fowler decided against jailing Lawson.

He told her: “Your reliance on drugs in my view lies at the heart of your chaotic lifestyle.

“I have taken the view that it would be unjust to activate your suspended sentence, but I am going to extend it.”

He added four months to Lawson’s eight-month suspended sentence and extended the period she must stay out of trouble from 18 months to two years.

Lawson was also ordered to complete six months of drug rehabilitation and pay £154 in costs, although she was not specifically made to repay anything she stole from the shops.

She is also no longer barred from entering stores in her hometown, which was a previous condition.

The Judge warned Lawson: “You have now got a 12-month sentence hanging over you for the next two years.

"Put a foot wrong and as sure as night follows day, you will go to prison."

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