‘My neighbour’s toddler keeps screaming – I’m going insane so I called the cops

A sleep-deprived pregnant woman claims she had no other choice than to call the police on her neighbour’s screaming toddler after she started to ‘go insane’ due to the noise outside her window.  

The ordeal started after the family with a child, aged around two-years-old, moved next door a few months ago in what she described as a ‘densely populated city’ with homes close together. 

The expectant mum said her neighbours soon started to take their screaming toddler outside to play every morning between 6.30am and 7.30am. 

She has tried to resolve matters with her neighbour but she said they soon became defensive. 

The woman, who remained anonymous, went onto explain she had no other choice but to call the police, and turned to Reddit to share her experience and ask for opinions, saying: “We haven’t said anything and have tried getting a loud noise maker and insulating the exterior door with soundproof insulation, but the kid’s shrieks are still impossible to sleep though. 

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“I am pregnant and am having a hard time sleeping and am generally exhausted all the time, so this is driving me crazy.

“This morning, we were woken up at about 6.30am. I decided to poke my head out the door and politely asked my neighbour (the kid’s mom) if she wouldn’t mind waiting until a little later to start playtime outside. I explained that I was pregnant, the location of our bedroom, and that we had tried other noise reduction options with no success.”

She claims her neighbour ‘flipped out’ on her before telling her she was “insane” for complaining about a toddler. 

“She told me I was going to be a bad mom for not giving grace to people with kids, that I needed to get used to it and was generally yelling at me in front of her kid,” the post reads.

“She also said she was going to start bringing the kid outside even earlier now. Her husband came out and also started yelling at me, to the point where I couldn’t hear them because they were yelling at the same time.

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“I told them it was nothing against their kid, but that I needed to be able to sleep. When I realised they were incapable of having a civil conversion, I told them I was going to have to put in a noise complaint.”

The woman said she is ‘going insane” without sleep and was worried about the noise for when her baby is born in a few months. 

She continues: “The police came and the neighbours didn’t answer their door, so the cops told me there was nothing they could do but to call back if it keeps happening.”

In response, many Reddit users have praised her woman for her approach and ‘reasonable’ request. 

One person said: “It would be one thing if it were 9am, but 6.30am is awfully early. And you tried to be nice and polite, whereas they flipped out immediately. You all live in extremely close quarters, so everyone needs to be thoughtful of their neighbours, especially with noise.”

Another added: “Parent to a two year old and there’s no way in hell I’m allowing that cute little noisy chaos muppet outside before 9am.”

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