Harris making life excessively difficult in White House among bombshell claims

A new book claims United States Vice President Kamala Harris has “rabbit ears” for any criticism.

According to the book, penned by journalist Franklin Foer, it is a source of frustration for Joe Biden’s West Wing. Foer’s sources say Harris “seemed instantly aware” of any criticism.

In The Last Politician, Foer writes: “Harris possessed what one of her colleagues described as ‘rabbit ears’. Whenever there was a hint of criticism of her — either in the West Wing or in the press — she seemed instantly aware of it.

“Rather than brushing it aside, she wanted to know who was speaking ill of her and what they were saying.”

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According to Fox News, Foer says that when Harris once read a “devastating story” on a news website “about her mismanagement of her team,” the vice president “responded by briefly freezing out an aide whom she suspected of cooperating with reporters.”

The author claims the politician “lets criticism guide her”. He continues: “Instead of diligently sticking to the Central America assignment, she seemed to accept the conventional wisdom about it. It was a futile gig, so she let it fall to the side, missing an opportunity to grind her way to a meaningful achievement.”

In the same chapter Foer is said that while President Joe Biden “treated [Harris] with impeccable respect, he simply didn’t hand her the substantive role that he played in the Obama administration.” He claims that Biden “had helped plug the gaps in Obama’s resume” but says Harris does not provide the president with the same.

The book, which looks at Joe Biden’s administration, claims “Ron Klain assumed the role of Harris’ guide”. Foer writes: “He thought of himself as the building’s resident expert on the vice presidency, having worked for both Al Gore and Joe Biden as they sat in the second chair.

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“But he struggled to productively help her. He felt Harris kept making life excessively difficult by imposing all sorts of constraints on herself.

“She told him that she didn’t want to work on women’s issues or anything to do with race. She wanted her office to be majority female — and to have a Black woman as chief of staff.”

Foer wrote that, to “Klain’s ear, she was creating too many rules, and they made it hard for her to find her footing.”

The author claims Harris searched constantly for issues to add to her portfolio, but was unhappy when any were suggested to her.

The vice president, he claims “asked to be placed in charge of relations with Scandinavia — away from the spotlight.” But when she “she finally asked for a meaty assignment” on voting rights, “Klain initially balked — hardly the vote of confidence she needed,” Foer claims.

The book continues: “But she was being guided by staff whom she didn’t know and didn’t especially trust. And given the circumstances, Biden didn’t feel especially obligated to coach her along.

“At the beginning, he said that they would have weekly lunches,” he added. “But those began to fall off the schedule.”

The vice president’s office or White House have not commented on the book. “The Last Politician” will be released Tuesday from Penguin Random House.

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