Andrea Jenkyns says Rishi Sunak facing six more letters of no confidence

MP says six letters of no confidence are to be submitted

Six more Tory MPs are set to submit letters of no confidence in Rishi Sunak, Dame Andrea Jenkyns has claimed.

The Boris Johnson ally sent her letter to the 1922 Committee on Monday following the sacking of Suella Braverman.

She said six colleagues told her they were following suit after the ex-Home Secretary’s bombshell letter to the PM yesterday attacking him over the small boats crisis.

The Morley and Outerwood MP told GB News: “After Suella’s letter yesterday, obviously there was voting last night, I spoke to several colleagues and I know six who have said to me that they’re putting letters in today.

“That’s if they go ahead and do it but they seemed quite adamant to me.”

Dame Andrea admitted she had “wrestled” over whether to submit her letter of no confidence.

She said: “I’ve really wrestled with this. I’ve had lots of constituents contact me who are really frustrated, and actually when I put my letter in, I had hundreds of people from all over the country saying thank you for doing this.

“I’ve wrestled with this, the fact that we could look very stupid toppling another leader, but I think we’ve got to bite the bullet now.”

A vote of no confidence in Mr Sunak would be triggered if 53 Tory MPs write to the 1922 Committee.

Dame Andrea continued: “I think the least I’d like to see happen is where there’s a vote of no confidence within the 1922.

“Then that will hopefully at least wake him up to realise he can’t go on, but what I really want obviously is a new leader.”

The Prime Minister angered MPs on the right of the party with his sacking of Mrs Braverman as Home Secretary following a controversial article she wrote on the policing of pro-Palestine protesters.

In her letter of no confidence, which she shared on social media platform X, Dame Andrea said that “enough is enough”.

She said: “If it wasn’t bad enough that we have a party leader that the party members rejected, the polls demonstrate that the public reject him, and I am in full agreement. It is time for Rishi Sunak to go.”

It comes as the Prime Minister faced a major blow today with the Supreme Court ruling that the Rwanda plan is unlawful.

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