Pregnant adult stars supermarket raid at Aldi and Tesco with empty pram

A heavily pregnant adult star has been spared prison despite being caught shoplifting from Aldi and Tesco using an empty pram. And she did it to fund a cocaine addiction. Roma Lawson, 34, was also spotted swiping a £2,500 diamond ring from a jewellery store after switching it with a £30 fake. READ MORE: AEW star Saraya hits back at […]

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French lecturer fired from job for being too old ‘must be given his job back’

A 74-year-old professor at a university has won a rare victory over France’s opposition to allowing the elderly to continue working. In order to convince a judge that the University of Caen in Normandy had wrongfully sacked him from his position as a part-time law lecturer because he was older than the legal retirement age of 67, Jean-Jacques Thouroude used […]

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Ask Amy: Girlfriend weaponizes TikTok videos

Dear Amy: My friend “Cynthia” and I have become much closer recently, as we have both gone through divorces and shared our experiences (I’m a guy). Cynthia recently moved back into the area after living a few states away, and we have been able to go out a few times. I am enjoying finally being on my own after a […]

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Ukrainian POWs used as human footballs by Russian captors in grim prison game

Ukrainian POWs are being used as human footballs by Russian captors in a sinister prison game used as a brutal torture technique on captured troops. Former prisoners of a detention camp in Taganrog, Russia, spoke out on the Vladimir Putin-led military men using Ukrainians as "footballs". They allege the Russian guards were initially overheard talking about football, but it was […]

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Crazy Maui wildfire conspiracy claims space lasers unleashed killer inferno

A bizarre conspiracy theory has erupted surrounding wildfires in Maui, which claim they were started by space lasers. Wild claims online say lasers were fired from space to start the fires that have gutted swaths of the island and claimed the lives of over 100 people. Other crazy speculations surrounding the fires include land grab claims regarding celebrities or the […]

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North Korea claims US soldier ran across border to escape discrimination

North Korean officials have claimed that Travis King, a detained American soldier, entered the country as a result of alleged “inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination within the US Army”. King had shown a willingness to apply for asylum in North Korea after crossing the border last month, according to North Korea’s initial official statements on the incident. King was “disillusioned […]

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Wetherspoons whopping price hikes as punters warn dont push it Spoons

Pub chain Wetherspoon has been slammed for raising many of its food prices by a whopping 13%. The hikes come off the back of the company closing several boozers, and blaming the cost of living crisis for it. The much-loved pub chain, which has 827 venues across the UK, has already shut dozens of drinking spots in the past year. […]

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UK’s ‘grimmest street’ with huge rats everywhere and fly-tipping piled 7ft high

The UK's "grimmest street" has mountains of fly-tipped rubbish that has attracted hordes of home-invading monster rats. Residents of Nineveh Road in Handsworth, Birmingham, say the stinking piles of rubbish have blighted them for years and now measure 7ft high. Fridges, freezers, mattresses, sofas, a moped and even human waste can be found there, with the situation so bad that […]

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‘We lost!’: Russia admits defeat as Ukraine makes major counter offensive gain

Ukrainian tanks attack Russian positions in south Urozhaine Russian forces defending a major flashpoint on the frontline have admitted a rare defeat as Ukrainian officials claimed their soldiers had “entrenched” themselves in the village. Urozhaine, near the Zaporizhzhia/Donetsk border, has been the site of heavy tank battles for weeks as Ukrainian forces looked to accelerate their counter offensive. Hanna Mailar, […]

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