Fisker Has Built Over 3,000 Ocean SUVs, Plans Production Ramp Up In Q4

After missing its manufacturing targets in the previous quarters, Fisker seems to be on the right track with the production numbers of the all-electric Ocean SUV in Q3, with 3,123 customer vehicles assembled at Magna’s plant in Graz as of the week of September 4, the California startup said in a statement.

During the second quarter, Fisker built 1,022 Oceans in Graz, Austria, below its guidance of 1,400 to 1,700 units per quarter, while Q1 saw just 55 SUVs built.

With this being said, the Henrik Fisker-led firm wants to speed things up even further, projecting an increase in manufacturing from approximately 180 units per day to roughly 300 units per day in the next quarter.

In the United States, deliveries of the Ocean SUV started in June and over 450 units have already been delivered or are in the process of making their way to customers, while another 1,500 vehicles are set to arrive on US soil this weekend, the company said. At the same time, European markets have received almost 1,000 Ocean SUVs and 325 have been delivered so far.

“Our customers and reservation holders are always our priority, and we’re thanking everyone for their patience as we begin the ramp-up of daily production of the Fisker Ocean this month and through the fourth quarter,” said Chairman and CEO Henrik Fisker.

Gallery: 2023 Fisker Ocean

“Over 3,000 vehicles have been built to date, and we’ll soon be moving to approximately 300 vehicles per day with our manufacturing partner, Magna. In lockstep with this, customer deliveries will be expanding even more in the United States – from the East Coast to various other regions. Rest assured that we are pushing our logistics providers and teams to get Fisker vehicles into the hands of our exceptional customers. Our early customers have been with us as pioneers, giving us valuable feedback to make our car even better. I will never forget the commitment that these customers have shown. The result of their feedback is now showing up in our vehicles!”

To support the expanding list of countries and regions where the Ocean is available for purchase, Fisker opened several so-called Lounges and Center+ locations, including in Los Angeles, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, London, Munich, and Oslo, with more retail and service facilities planned for the coming months.

The company expects Magna to produce all 5,000 units of the Ocean One launch edition by September 30 and says that while its goal is to deliver as many as these vehicles by the end of this month, it acknowledges that deliveries may stretch into October.

The Fisker Ocean has an EPA-rated range of 360 miles for the top-spec Extreme trim on 20-inch wheels, powered by the Hyper Range battery pack with a capacity of 113 kilowatt-hours. However, the same range rating also applies to the limited edition Ocean One, which has a starting price of $68,999.

Source: Fisker

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