Drivers urged to avoid four roads this bank holiday weekend

UK weather: Fine bank holiday

Drivers have been urged to avoid four roads this bank holiday weekend with experts predicting massive traffic jams as millions head away.

According to the RAC, transport experts at INRIX are warning of delays across key routes on Friday, Saturday and Monday.

More than 14 million motorists will make leisure trips this weekend, almost two million more than last year.

INRIX stresses journeys could take almost an hour longer with four roads in particular likely to cause a problem.

RAC breakdown spokesperson Simon Williams said: “With fuel prices much lower than last summer’s record highs, it’s clear from our research that many more drivers are planning to make the most of what the UK has to offer over the last bank holiday of the summer.

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“And if the weather is kind, even more people may decide to take trips swelling numbers on the road further still and possibly adding to the inevitable delays.

“Those looking to have uninterrupted journeys should aim to travel very early to beat the jams, or if that’s not possible, much later in the day if they’re planning to be travelling on Friday.”

Experts have warned the M1 North J12 to J16 could see delays of up to 55 minutes on Friday.

Meanwhile, they suggested the M25 anti-clockwise between J4 and J1 could take around 34 minutes longer.

The M4 East between J29 and J24 has also been highlighted as a possible issue.

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INRIX feels the worst delay on Saturday will likely be on the M5 South between J15 to J23.

Motorists are likely to lose around 37 minutes on this stretch of road in the South West.

But, issues appear to have started earlier than predicted with concerns raised as early as Friday afternoon.

Around lunchtime, it was suggested there were severe delays on the M5 around Bristol with road users facing around 20 miles of tailbacks.

INRIX later confirmed this was simply down to “holiday traffic” as opposed to any incidents.

The M1 South between J16 and J6 is also predicted to be an area of concern around 4.30pm on Saturday.

Gary Digva, founder of Road Angel has urged drivers to remain on high alert even when sitting in traffic.

He explained: “As congestion starts to build up, naturally the driving speeds begin to decrease, and motorists will also decrease the distance between them and the car in front.

“This small gap between each car means that the smallest movement from the driver, such as gently breaking or taking your foot off the accelerator, can result in rear-end crashes.”

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