{"id":122767,"date":"2023-12-11T08:09:22","date_gmt":"2023-12-11T08:09:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/lasixlineon.com\/?p=122767"},"modified":"2023-12-11T08:09:22","modified_gmt":"2023-12-11T08:09:22","slug":"gary-lineker-sparks-fury-as-he-signs-open-letter-demanding-rwanda-is-scrapped","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/lasixlineon.com\/politics\/gary-lineker-sparks-fury-as-he-signs-open-letter-demanding-rwanda-is-scrapped\/","title":{"rendered":"Gary Lineker sparks fury as he signs open letter demanding Rwanda is scrapped"},"content":{"rendered":"

Gary Lineker talks about his experience of hosting refugees<\/h3>\n

Gary Lineker has sparked fresh fury after signing an open letter criticising the Government’s Rwanda policy.<\/p>\n

The Match of the Day host is among more than 30 celebrities and other public figures backing the letter by campaign group Together With Refugees demanding the scheme is scrapped.<\/p>\n

The letter claims the UK’s asylum system has “become ever-more uncaring, chaotic and costly. “<\/p>\n

It states: “Our government is still trying to banish people fleeing persecution to Rwanda despite the highest court in the land ruling the scheme unlawful.<\/p>\n

“Tens of thousands of people are stuck in limbo waiting for their refugee protection to be processed, separated from their families and barred from working.<\/p>\n

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“These policies aren\u2019t working for refugees and they aren\u2019t working for local communities.<\/p>\n

“That\u2019s why we have come together to say we\u2019ve had enough. Enough of the division. Enough of the short-term thinking. Enough of the wasted human potential. And it\u2019s why we now call for something better. “<\/p>\n

The letter – also signed by actors Brian Cox, Juliet Stevenson and David Morrissey, musician Simon Rix and Unison union boss Christina McAnea – demands the scheme is scrapped.<\/p>\n

It comes the day before a crunch vote on a new Bill by Rishi Sunak aimed at getting the policy up and running after the Supreme Court ruled it was unlawful.<\/p>\n

Lineker, who earns \u00a31.35million a year from the BBC, added: \u201cRefugees have escaped unthinkable horrors in their home countries.<\/p>\n

“We need a new system that reflects the will of the British people who have opened their homes, donated and volunteered in their local communities.<\/p>\n

“That\u2019s why I\u2019m backing this new campaign \u2013 because fair really can begin here.\u201d<\/p>\n

But the football pundit’s intervention has prompted a backlash from Conservative MPs.<\/p>\n

Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson told the Daily Mail: “For once in his life, Gary’s absolutely right \u2013 we do need a system that reflects the will of the British people. What the people want is to stop the boats and to tell overpaid crisp salesmen to put a sock in it.<\/p>\n

“Alongside cracking down on illegal migration, we need another robust system which keeps Lineker as far away from the public as possible, to give us all a rest from his Left-wing, out-of-touch nonsense.”<\/p>\n

Jonathan Gullis added: “This is yet again another breach by Gary Lineker that goes against the BBC’s impartiality rules. But, sadly, spineless Tim Davie will do nothing about it, having surrendered to him previously.<\/p>\n

“Either the BBC enforces the rules its presenters are bound by, or they no longer receive funding from the British taxpayer.”<\/p>\n

Lineker, who is known for wading into politics, sparked a BBC impartiality row in March after he took to social media to slam the Government’s illegal immigration crackdown and compare language used to that of Nazi Germany.<\/p>\n

The former England footballer was taken off air but the Beeb was forced into a humiliating climbdown when other staff downed tools in support of Lineker.<\/p>\n

New social media rules by the corporation in the wake of the furore allow high-profile presenters outside of news and current affairs to express personal views on issues but they must stop short of political campaigning.<\/p>\n

A BBC spokesman said: “Like all freelance presenters, Gary is free to contribute to projects for third parties, as long as these do not conflict with his BBC commitments; do not breach guidelines on conflicts of interest; nor bring the BBC into disrepute, and he does so regularly.”<\/p>\n